Tag: Commenting


I did a comment thread.

I made my comment thread with Zailett, we commented on my blog post Skits, my blog post skits was about me and a couple of people making a skit about bullying people.

Zailett wrote a greeting, what he learned, what he likes, and wrote a question, I replied back answering the question.

Lastly I wrote down kind regards and who the reply was from.

Comment thread

I learnt how to write a comment thread.

First I found a blog post I saw if it had the 4 things that a blog post needs, title, writing, tag, and DLO picture or anything else.

Then I started to comment with a greeting, what I learned in the blog post, a question, and lastly kind regards, then after I would reply to there comment back to me.

I enjoyed learning how to create comment thread. I did well on checking the 4 things you need on a blog post and I did well on replying to the comment. I need to improve on answering the questions.